Soul-Thumping Playlist

Tunes from Soul & Spirits at The Daley

Written by Sarah Casiano

Pictured: Zosia Music

Pictured: Zosia Music

DC is a town filled with movers and shakers, but Grip The Mat is looking to have our Yogis move  in new, more creative, and soul-fulfilling ways. Our events begin with Vinyasa flow, a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together, moving from one to another seamlessly, using your breath. As a philosophy, Vinyasa recognizes the temporary nature of things and honors that through movement. Dancing is my FAVORITE type of movement. Nothing feels as good as when my favorite song (Despacito, yes still! Cringe all you want!) comes on and my body, unprompted, beings to sway! Music allows us to be playful and express our joy and creativity in an organic and fun ways.

Whether you like R&B, pop, or techno, we can all enjoy the freedom of movement and music. In the ‘spirit’ of movement and fun, (see what I did there?) we have created the perfect yoga/Happy Hour playlist for our next Soul & Spirits event! Get grooving with us, at The Daley in Shady Grove, on February 22 at 7:30 pm!