EFT Tapping for Subconscious Rewiring

easy eft tapping for beginners

You know your goals, you know how to get there, so what keeps stopping you? The answer lies not in the logic of your mind, but in the subconscious beliefs that you’ve accumulated over your lifetime (and even inherited from your family).

Luckily, you’re not stuck with what you’ve got. Thanks to studies in neuroplasticity, we know that our brains change with new experiences. You’re indeed able to create new neuropathways whenever you want, meaning you don’t have to rely on the pathways that you’ve been repeating your whole life (the ones that keep repeating your old beliefs and stories).

If you’re stuck home during quarantine, it’s not exactly easy to go out and experience new things. A great way to build new neuropathways is through EFT tapping.

Start with your problem:

ex.) I am so scared of breaking up with my boyfriend because then I’ll be alone

Setup statement: tap the pad of your left hand and say outlaid what you’re fearful of

Repeat the phrase as you tap your pressure points

Then add on to your setup statement:

ex.) Even though I am scared of breaking up with my boyfriend and being alone, I love and accept myself.

Repeat the phrase as you tap your pressure points

Do that until your statement feels less emotionally charged

Then add on to your setup statement, expressing the possibility of there being a different way:

ex.) even though I’m scared of being alone, I love and accept myself and am open to the possibility of feeling ok

Repeat tapping along the points until it’s less emotionally charged

Finally, create a setup statement that completes the cycle:

ex.) I have the strength I need to thrive on my own andI trust that I’ll know what to do when the time comes

Repeat tapping along the points until you feel better.

Originally from our Instagram Live

A Day In: DC

with Brightest Young Things, Instagram

and 30+ small businesses and creatives of Washington, DC